Princess of Wales channels ballerina energy in ballet flats and high street blazer

 Princess Kate, the wife of Prince William, kicked off her week with a meaningful engagement at The Baby Bank in Windsor. The visit was close to her heart, as she learned about the vital work the organization carries out to support families in need.

The Princess looked immaculate for the occasion, donning high-waisted cigarette trousers paired with a cream ribbed top. She layered her outfit with her much-loved double-breasted blazer from Reiss and slipped into a pair of practical yet stylish ballet flats.

Princess Kate kept her accessories simple, sporting a pair of gold hoops, a delicate pendant necklace, and her glittering sapphire and diamond engagement ring, which formerly belonged to her late mother-in-law, Princess Diana. Her glossy brunette hair was styled in her signature tumbling curls, framing her naturally pretty features. She wore glowing foundation, honey-hued blush, and her signature fluffy brow look.

During her visit, Princess Kate met with volunteers and lent a hand in sorting donations and packing referrals. As a mother of three, including Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, the Princess has been a long-standing supporter of baby banks and has visited many across the country.

In the summer of 2020, Princess Kate brought together nineteen British brands and retailers to donate over 10,000 new items to more than 40 baby banks nationwide, operated by Little Village, Baby Basics, and AberNecessities.

The Baby Bank, founded in 2015 by two mothers from Windsor, strives to provide essential items to families facing financial hardship in Maidenhead, Slough, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and the surrounding areas. During her visit, the royal was shown the piles of bags and boxes of clothes, toys, and equipment received at The Baby Bank in Maidenhead.

The Princess chose to re-wear her iconic ‘Aila Wool Linen Blazer’ from Reiss during the visit, a power blazer she first wore back in September while visiting RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire.

Overall, Princess Kate’s visit to The Baby Bank in Windsor was a poignant occasion, highlighting the importance of supporting families in need. Her ongoing dedication to baby banks and her efforts to bring together brands and retailers to donate thousands of new items demonstrate her commitment to this cause.

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