The Duchess of Cambridge consistently organizes enjoyable pursuits for her three young offspring, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. These activities range from exploring the garden for spiders to engaging in outdoor trampoline play.
However, it seems that Kate has drawn inspiration from a recent encounter with a group of schoolchildren at Madley Primary School’s Forest School. During her visit with her husband, Prince William, to the outdoor learning center in Hereford, they were invited to participate in an activity with the students under a canopy. The children were busy crafting skewers with apple, cinnamon, and sugar to toast over a fire.

“It’s reminiscent of a wholesome marshmallow,” Kate commented. “Everything seems to taste better when you cook it over a fire. I’ve witnessed countless marshmallows by the fire, but I’ve never come across a sugar-coated apple.”
She disclosed, “I intend to give this a try with my children.”
William chimed in, “It has a delightful aroma.”
Kate also learned that children in Year 6 acquire skills for starting and maintaining a fire. “These are truly valuable skills to acquire, the ability to stay warm and provide sustenance for oneself,” the Princess remarked. “Is it enjoyable to learn here? It’s so serene, isn’t it? I could easily spend the entire afternoon in this place.”

The school places a strong emphasis on outdoor education to enhance the physical and mental health of its students. In addition to teaching national curriculum subjects, the school instills environmental awareness, conservation practices, and woodland management skills.
Activities encompass moments spent in a mindfulness circle beneath a canopy that takes the shape of a heart, as well as games of hide and seek during play breaks.
Furthermore, students are actively engaged in litter-picking, a practice to which Kate commented, “We do quite a bit of that at our residence.”

The royal couple received three books for their children during their visit. These books included “The Last Tree” by Luke Adam Hawker, which caught Prince William’s attention, along with “The Circles All Around Us” by Brad Montague and “Kindness Grows” by Britta Teckentrup.
“Thank you,” Kate expressed her gratitude, “our children enjoy reading. In fact, it’s a wonderful way to introduce them to environmental concepts.”
The Prince and Princess visited the forest school because of its partnership with the Duchy of Cornwall. William became the Duke of Cornwall upon Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, inheriting the estate valued at £1 billion.
It is believed that the Duchy of Cornwall sees Madley School Forest School as a model for potential future forest schools on Duchy land. As they departed, Prince William remarked to the group, “We should have more schools like this. Imagine the benefits if more schools had access to places like this.”