Why Prince and Princess of Wales haven’t officially begun their summer holidays

Despite their children being officially on summer holidays after the end of term, the Prince and Princess of Wales have not yet commenced their annual summer break.

This week, Prince William has been diligently working, accompanied by the heir to the throne, visiting Wistman’s Wood on Dartmoor. This ancient woodland, situated on the land of the Duchy of Cornwall, was inherited by William following his father’s ascension to the throne after the Queen’s passing last year. Sharing captivating photos and videos of the picturesque scenery on the official Instagram account of the Prince and Princess of Wales, the future King appeared entirely comfortable in his surroundings.

The accompanying caption expressed admiration for Wistman’s Wood, highlighting it as a magnificent natural area on the Duchy of Cornwall estate, accessible to all. Additionally, it emphasized the Duchy’s commitment to regenerating this age-old woodland, aiming to double its size over the next two decades. This initiative will create a habitat for rare species and foster the thriving of nature.

On Monday, the Prince made an unexpected visit to Cornwall, where he pleasantly surprised locals by inaugurating a new restaurant and atrium at the Duchy of Cornwall’s nursery near Lostwithiel. Known as the Orangery, this establishment was constructed as part of a nine-month extension project and will offer a seasonal menu featuring fresh produce from the gardens.

The couple is likely postponing their holiday plans until the conclusion of Wimbledon. Traditionally, the Prince and Princess attend the finals and have the honor of presenting trophies to the winners.

While their specific plans for their annual summer break remain unknown, it is probable that the Waleses will visit Balmoral, the location where the late Queen passed away. Historically, the monarch would spend a number of weeks at her Scottish residence, traveling there in July and hosting family members during her stay.

However, their trip to Balmoral would take place towards the end of the summer break, as the official website for the residence has confirmed that it will remain open to the public for an additional two weeks.

Scotland holds a deep significance for William, as it holds cherished memories for him. He met his future wife while studying at the University of St Andrews. In a speech given in 2021, William expressed, “Scotland is a source of some of my happiest memories but also my saddest. I was in Balmoral when I was told that my mother had died. Still in shock, I found solace in the service at Crathie Kirk that very morning, and during the dark days of grief that followed, the Scottish outdoors provided me with comfort. As a result, my connection to Scotland will always remain profound.”

In addition to the sorrowful memory, there is also a delightful one, as it was in Scotland, precisely 20 years ago this year, that I first encountered Catherine. Naturally, the place where you encounter your future spouse holds an incredibly significant position in your heart.

George, Charlotte, and Louis are already aware of the profound affection we have for Scotland, and they are beginning to create their own joyful memories in this cherished location as well.

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