The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh attended a reception at the City Chambers

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh attended a reception at the City Chambers

 The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, attended a reception at the City Chambers in Edinburgh on March 10, 2023. The reception was held to mark one year since the city’s formal response to the invasion of Ukraine.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh attended a reception at the City Chambers

During the reception, the Duke and Duchess had the opportunity to meet with members of the Ukrainian community in Edinburgh. They listened to their stories and experiences and showed their support for the Ukrainian people.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh attended a reception at the City Chambers

The Duke of Edinburgh has a long-standing connection to Scotland, having been conferred with the title of Duke of Edinburgh in 1947. However, the title had been held by his father, Prince Philip, until his passing in April 2021.

On Friday, King Charles III awarded the title of Duke of Edinburgh to his younger brother, Prince Edward. This was done in line with the wishes of the late Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip. The decision to pass on the title to Prince Edward was made as a mark of respect to the Duke of Edinburgh and his legacy.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh attended a reception at the City Chambers

Despite the transfer of the title, Prince Edward has kept his Scottish title of the Earl of Forfar. In addition, his previous title of the Earl of Wessex has now been passed on to his son, James.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh have been known for their commitment to supporting and promoting causes close to their hearts. The reception they attended in Edinburgh highlights their continued dedication to supporting communities affected by global issues such as the invasion of Ukraine.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh attended a reception at the City Chambers

Overall, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh’s attendance at the reception at the City Chambers in Edinburgh, alongside the transfer of the Duke of Edinburgh title to Prince Edward, demonstrate the ongoing importance of tradition and respect within the British monarchy.

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