Princess Charlotte could speak two languages aged just two thanks to her Norland nanny

 At the tender age of two, Princess Charlotte displayed remarkable linguistic abilities, having already acquired proficiency in two languages. This early linguistic prowess can be attributed to her exposure to a Spanish nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, who was employed by Prince William and Princess Kate to care for Charlotte and her siblings, Prince George and Prince Louis. By the time she commenced nursery school, Charlotte was already fluent in English and had also acquired a repertoire of Spanish phrases. A source revealed to People magazine that Charlotte exudes a delightful sweetness and confidence, demonstrating mastery over numerous Spanish words. The choice to hire Borrallo, who hailed from the esteemed Norland College, reflects the Royal Family’s tradition of entrusting their children’s care to qualified professionals with a comprehensive range of skills, encompassing everything from security matters to the specialized care required for potential future monarchs.

“Ms. Borrallo possesses a comprehensive understanding of all aspects related to child-rearing.”

Initially, Ms. Borrallo resided alongside the family at Kensington Palace. However, following their move to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, there has been insufficient space for her to continue residing in the same house with them.

While she no longer resides with the children, Ms. Borrallo continues to fulfill her role as their nanny.

Their new home is close to Lambrook, where all three children are currently enrolled, however at the age of 10 George will shortly be moving on to secondary school.

Many have speculated that he could attend Eton, where both his father and Uncle Prince Harry were students, and he has been spotted with his parents on a tour of the famous college.

However his mother Kate spent some happy school years at the co-ed Marlborough College, meaning she may prefer to send George there.

The recently acquired residence is in proximity to Lambrook, the present school of enrollment for all three offspring. Yet, as George reaches the age of 10, he will soon advance to secondary education.

Considerable conjecture has arisen regarding his potential attendance at Eton, an institution attended by both his father and Uncle Prince Harry. Observers have witnessed him touring the renowned college alongside his parents.

Conversely, his mother Kate enjoyed a contented period of education at the coeducational Marlborough College, implying a potential inclination toward enrolling George there.

Royal expert Robert Jobson has highlighted the significance of the bond between King Charles and George, stressing that the King is actively preparing his grandson for his future role as a monarch.

In an interview with Daily Express US, Jobson remarked, “The role George played as a page during the Coronation was quite notable. Despite his evident nervousness, he performed admirably, donning the appropriate attire and clutching onto that ceremonial cloak.”

Jobson also emphasized the parallel of importance between the relationship shared by the King and George, and the one the Queen had with William. He underscored the King’s role in guiding George through the upcoming stages of his royal responsibilities.

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