Prince and Princess of Wales’s unwanted visitor at country home Anmer Hall revealed

The Prince and Princess of Wales presently hold ownership of a majestic ten-bedroom manor nestled in Norfolk, renowned as Anmer Hall. In all its opulence and embodying the quintessence of luxurious rural existence, it has transpired that this royal abode plays host to an unwelcome guest—a specter.

Paranormal scholar Richard Felix, who featured as a guest on HELLO!’s A Right Royal Podcast during our chilling Halloween episode, disclosed: “Upon assuming residence at Anmer Hall, the Prince and Princess of Wales encountered the apparition of a Catholic clergyman.”

“He once inhabited these quarters, yet faced the dire fate of being hung, drawn, and quartered on charges of high treason. Strangely, following his execution in York, his spirit appears to have returned.”

“Indeed, they have recounted auditory manifestations of his spectral presence and observed the ethereal figure, which they identify as that of a priest, ambling through the halls of Anmer Hall.”

The Most Haunted TV personality further disclosed that Prince William and Kate Middleton were apprised of the paranormal presence prior to their habitation. “I assume it was Prince William who remarked, ‘No ancient estate is truly complete without a resident apparition, is it?'” chuckled Richard.

This grand Norfolk estate was bestowed upon the royal couple in 2011 as a nuptial gift from the departed Queen. This 18th-century domicile, nestled within the confines of the Sandringham Estate, underwent extensive renovations amounting to £1.5 million. The refurbishments encompassed the addition of a conservatory, a reconfigured driveway, and a comprehensive interior makeover, overseen by the talented designer Ben Pentreath.

From 2015 to 2017, Anmer Hall was the primary residence of William, Kate, Prince George, and Princess Charlotte. However, it has since been relegated to the status of their secondary residence. The regal family relocated to London, where Prince Louis made his debut, but they have subsequently established their abode in Windsor, choosing to inhabit the more modestly sized Adelaide Cottage.

The family often withdraws to their rural sanctuary during school breaks, particularly during the festive season, when they engage in celebrations with other members of the royal family at Sandringham.

In an episode of Apple’s Time to Walk, Prince William previously articulated his sentiments regarding Anmer Hall: “We endeavor to spend as much time as possible within this locale, for its tranquility is truly unparalleled.”

The royal household holds a deep affection for Norfolk and relishes the opportunity to assimilate seamlessly with the local populace. Kate Middleton frequently accompanies her progeny for sessions of ceramic painting at Mable’s Paint Pot, a traditional confectionery emporium.

An informant disclosed to HELLO!: “Kate is a regular patron of Mable’s Paint Pot. She frequents the establishment with her children, and her presence goes largely unnoticed. This is precisely why she holds this place in such high regard. They consider Norfolk their true home, as it is here that they receive the kind of unobtrusive treatment that allows them to lead their lives without undue scrutiny.”

In addition to their patronage of local enterprises, the Waleses have discovered an ingenious solution to relishing the splendor of Norfolk’s pristine beaches while evading undue attention.

As per a local divulging to HELLO!: “They have been sighted aboard a yacht, just off the shores of Holkham Beach. This offers them an ideal means of savoring the coastline’s magnificence while avoiding the throngs. Holkham is truly remarkable, reminiscent of the beach portrayed in ‘Shakespeare in Love’—vast stretches of ivory sands complemented by undulating dunes. Though it enjoys considerable popularity, the sheer expanse ensures it never feels overly congested.”

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