Crown Princess Leonor of Spain attended a church service at the Pilar Cathedral

Crown Princess Leonor visited the Pilar Cathedral as a cadet of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza

Crown Princess Leonor, who holds the title of Princess of Asturias, paid a visit to Pilar Cathedral in Zaragoza on October 6, 2023. She was accompanied by her fellow cadets from the General Military Academy of Zaragoza. During their visit, they participated in a church service and followed the tradition of offering flowers to the Virgin of Pilar, a customary practice done the day prior to the Flag Oath ceremony.

Crown Princess Leonor visited the Pilar Cathedral as a cadet of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza
Crown Princess Leonor visited the Pilar Cathedral as a cadet of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza
Crown Princess Leonor visited the Pilar Cathedral as a cadet of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza
Crown Princess Leonor visited the Pilar Cathedral as a cadet of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza

Crown Princess Leonor, together with her fellow cadets from the General Military Academy in Zaragoza, solemnly swore the Flag Oath on October 7. King Felipe and Queen Letizia were present at the ceremony, where the cadets pledged their loyalty to the flag.

Crown Princess Leonor visited the Pilar Cathedral as a cadet of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza

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