The King and the Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

 the King and Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

King Charles and the Queen Consort continued their State Visit to Germany on the third day by visiting Hamburg with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and First Lady Elke Budenbender. The royal couple began their visit by visiting Hamburg City Hall, where they were greeted by the Mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher. The King and Queen Consort were given a tour of the building, including the impressive Great Hall, which has been the site of many important events in Hamburg’s history. They also viewed the beautiful artworks and architecture on display throughout the building.

the King and Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

While the King and Queen Consort were at City Hall, the Queen Consort and First Lady visited the Rudolf Ross Grundschule School. The school is known for its focus on environmental education, and the Queen Consort was impressed by the students’ knowledge of sustainability and their dedication to preserving the environment. The Queen Consort and First Lady spent time with the students, engaging in discussions about the importance of environmental education and the role that young people can play in shaping a more sustainable future.

the King and Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

Later in the day, the King and Queen Consort attended a reception at Schuppen in Hamburg. The venue, which is located on the waterfront, is known for its unique design and stunning views of the city. The reception was attended by local dignitaries and business leaders, who were eager to meet the royal couple and discuss potential partnerships between the United Kingdom and Germany. The King and Queen Consort were gracious hosts, taking the time to speak with each guest and learn more about their interests and areas of expertise.

the King and Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

Overall, the royal couple’s visit to Hamburg was a success, with both the King and Queen Consort making meaningful connections with the people and institutions of the city. Their commitment to diplomacy and engagement was on full display, and it is clear that the United Kingdom values its relationship with Germany and its people.

the King and Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

the King and Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

the King and Queen Consort visited Hamburg, Germany

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